Estimation of adaptability indicators of the spring barley varieties according to their productivity under environmental variability


Bragin R. N.1ORCID,Filippov E. G.1ORCID


1. Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”


In the current spring barley breeding, the leading direction is the development of early-maturing, drought-resistant, highly productive varieties with good technological grain quality. The productivity of these varieties is influenced both by the economic and biological parameters of the variety and, to a greater extent, by the environmental conditions in the growing area. The purpose of the current study was to carry out a comparative estimation of the spring barley varieties according to ecological adaptability and productive stability under environmental variability. In 2020–2021 there was conducted the study to estimate ecological adaptability and stability of 17 spring barley varieties of Russian breeding (FSBSI “ARC “Donskoy”) in the Ecological Variety Testing in the Rostov and Samara regions. The trial was carried out in four repetitions with a plot area of 10 m². When assessing adaptability, there were used the methods of S.A. Eberhart, W.A. Rassel as edited by V.A. Zykin (2005), V.V. Khangildin and N.A. Litvinenko (1981), A.A. Rosielle, J. Hamblin as presented by A.A. Goncharenko (2005), E.D. Nettevich (2001). The productivity formation through the years of study was mainly influenced (96.5%) by the factor ‘cultivation zone’. The index of environmental conditions showed that more favorable growing conditions were developed on the ecological variety-testing plot of the “ARC “Donskoy” (Ij = +0.61). According to productivity, there has been identified a number of varieties, significantly exceeding the standard variety in only one ecological variety-testing plot. The linear regression coefficient ranged from 0.43 to 1.43, revealing varieties both responsive and weakly responsive to changing growing conditions. According to a number of indicators, there have been identified the varieties ‘Zernogradsky 1755’, ‘Zernogradsky 1724’, ‘Zernogradsky 1754’ valuable for spring barley breeding. 


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy


General Medicine

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