Estimation of winter barley for resistance to leaf diseases


Doroshenko E. S.1ORCID,Shishkin N. V.1ORCID


1. FSBSI Agricultural Research Center «Donskoy»


Barley production in the Rostov region, as well as throughout Russia, has taken its niche in agricultural production. Winter barley attracts farmers’ attention with its unpretentiousness and high productivity. The relevance of immunology used in the production of barley varieties does not decrease over time. Yield losses due to various leaf diseases can be as high as 30–50 %. The most common pathogens in the region are powdery mildew and helminthosporium blotches. The most effective and efficient way to improve the resistance of new varieties is the use of artificial infectious backgrounds. Provocative and extreme conditions promote a selection of parental forms and breeding lines that are most resistant to pathogens. The current paper has presented the results of the estimation of winter barley breeding and collection material based on the FSBSI Agricultural Research Center «Donskoy». The purpose of the study was to identify winter barley varieties and lines which are stably resistant and tolerant to leaf-stem pathogens common in the Rostov region. About 250 samples are being estimated in the period from 2019 to 2021. Over the years of study, there have been identified such varieties and lines resistant to powdery mildew as ‘Bezosty 1954’ (RF), ‘Grand’ (RF), ‘Parallelum 1967’, etc. Resistance to heliminthosporium spotting was demonstrated by the varieties ‘Bezosty 1954’ (RF), ‘Grand’ (RF), ‘Rostovsky 908’ (RF), ‘Donskoy 11’ (RF) and the lines ‘Parallelum 1967’, ‘Parallelum 1974’, ‘Pallidum 1916’, ‘Pallidum 1970’, ‘Parallelum 1960’, ‘Parallelum 1911’, ‘Nutans 1895’ and others. There were also identified such varieties with resistance or tolerance to both pathogens as ‘Grand’ (RF), ‘Sekret’ (RF), ‘Fox 1’ (RF), ‘Marusya’ (RF), ‘Karisma’ (England) and the lines ‘Bezosty 1954’, ‘Parallelum 1967’, ‘Parallelum 1974’, ‘Parallelum 2015’, ‘Parallelum 2016’, ‘Parallelum 2017’. All presented varieties and lines are proposed for use in further breeding for immunity to the studied pathogens.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy


General Medicine

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