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2. Eroshenko F. V. Osobennosti fotosinteticheskoj deyatel’nosti sortov ozimoj pshenicy: monografiya [Features of the photosynthetic activity of winter wheat varieties: monograph]. Stavropol’: Servisshkola, 2006. 200 s.
3. Pryadkina G. A., Stasik O. O., Mihal’skaya L. N., Shvartau V. V. Svyaz’ mezhdu velichinoj hlorofill’nogo fotosinteticheskogo potenciala i urozhajnost’yu ozimoj pshenicy (Triticum aestivum L.) pri povyshennyh temperaturah [The relationship between the value of chlorophyll photosynthetic potential and winter wheat productivity (Triticum aestivum L.) at high temperatures] // Sel’skohozyajstvennaya biologiya. 2016. S. 32.
4. Terleckaya N. V., Zobova N. V., Stupko V. Yu. Izuchenie ustojchivosti fotosinteticheskogo apparata myagkoj pshenicy i ee dikih sorodichej k abioticheskim stressam in vitro i in vivo: monografiya [Study of the photosynthetic resistance of soft wheat and its wild relatives to abiotic stresses in vitro and in vivo]. Almaty, 2017. 172 s.