The literature indicates that the process of price discovery in spot and futures can be bidirectional. This study novelty lies in its analysis of the spot data of the BIST liquid bank index, a relatively new index in Turkey, using futures contracts of different maturities with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network model. The efficacy of the models is evaluated by examining the capacity of futures prices to inform spot price discovery. The effectiveness of the MLP models is measured by low mean squared error (MSE) ratios relative to the out-of-samples test series results. The findings indicate that the one- and two-next futures contracts of the liquid bank index are more effective than the nearest futures contracts in explaining spot prices. Additionally, the nearest expiry contracts are observed to exhibit higher variances than the others. The most efficient pricing model including both spot and futures as explaining variables, is autoregression with three lags for spot and two lags for the two next futures contracts. These results must be considered when implementing risk management strategies for individuals engaged in spot and futures transactions.