Pengaruh Media Pop-Up Digital terhadap Penanaman Karakter Toleransi Anak Usia 3-4 Tahun di KB Aisyiyah 16


Mawaddah Nur,Sa’ida Naili,Budiman Agus,Suweleh Wardah


Tolerance is an attitude and behavior of respecting each other’s diverse backgrounds, views, and beliefs by upholding a sense of unity in order to be able to realize a safe and peaceful life. The fact shows that tolerance in early childhood becomes a problem that requires special attention, such as the use of media. Digital pop-up is a medium used for learning activities. This study aims to stimulate the character value of tolerance to children by using digital pop-up media. It was conducted on the students of KB Aisyiah 16 Bubutan Surabaya aged 3-4 years. It used quantitative research methods, with a one group pretest-posttest design. The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon match pair test. The results showed that aspects of cooperation and ethics increased with the value of Tcount = 0 and Ttabel = 8 or Tcount ≤ Ttable. Thus, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. That is, there is a positive influence on the use of digital pop-up media on the implementation of tolerance values in students of KB Aisyiah 16 Bubutan Surabaya aged 3-4 years. This was proved by students who are able to play together, help each other, tidy up toys, respect teachers and peers, not ridicule, and do not behave rudely towards their friends.


STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan


General Medicine

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