The Portrayal of the Polish-Lithuanian Peasantry in the Memoir Accounts of British Travelers (1764-1795)


Nieroda ŁukaszORCID


The article analyzes the descriptions of Polish-Lithuanian peasants found in travel literature penned by British visitors to Poland during the reign of Stanisław August Poniatowski. It aims to present the literary image of peasantry and comment on the Britons’ attitude towards the problems they faced. The authors whose works are analyzed are William Coxe (historian and tutor), John Lind (associate of a Polish king), Nathaniel Wraxall (traveler and ex-merchant), James Harris (a future diplomat), Joseph Marshall (a mysterious figure, probably a merchant) and John Williams. Villagers are generally described as miserable human beings struggling with poverty, cruelly exploited by their lords in a condition resembling slavery. The authors’ attitude is sympathetic to the difficulties of peasant lives. Britons appreciated attempts to extricate them from their plight in the belief that emancipation was ethically desirable and would render their work more productive.


University of Latvia

Reference44 articles.

1. Augustyniak, U. (2015) History of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH.

2. Blume, J. (1961) Lord and Peasant in Russia from the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

3. Borkowski, R. (2017) Ojciec, Przyjaciel, Nauczyciel: kim dla Józefa Wybickiego Był Andrzej Zamoyski [A Father, Friend, Teacher: what Andrzej Zamoyski was to Józef Wybicki]. Bieżuńskie Zeszyty Historyczne, 31: 117-126.

4. Burszta, J. (1950) Wieś i Karczma: rola Karczmy w Życiu Wsi Pańszczyźnianej [Village and Tavern: the role of a tavern in the life of a corvee-based village community]. Warszawa: Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza.

5. Connor, B. (1698) The History of Poland in several Letters to Persons of Quality, vol. 2. London: Dan Brown.







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