1. Division of Glycoscience, Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH), AlbaNova University Center, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.
2. Department of Material and Environmental Chemistry (MMK), Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.
3. PIXANIM, Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements, UMR INRAE, CNRS, Université de Tours, IFCE, 37380 Nouzilly, France.
4. Cirqle Biomedical Contraception ApS, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark.
5. French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), UMR ISP, Université de Tours, 37380 Nouzilly, France.
6. Department of Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, 141 86 Stockholm, Sweden.
7. Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC), Karolinska Institutet, Alfred Nobels alle 8, 141 52 Huddinge, Sweden.
8. ANOVA—Andrology, Sexual Medicine, Transmedicine, Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, Norra Stationsgatan 69, 113 64 Stockholm, Sweden.
9. Université de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, IMP, UMR 5223, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France.
10. AIMES—Center for the Advancement of Integrated Medical and Engineering Sciences, Karolinska Institutet and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden.
11. Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden.