50 Million Years of Genomic Stasis in Endosymbiotic Bacteria


Tamas Ivica1,Klasson Lisa1,Canbäck Björn1,Näslund A. Kristina1,Eriksson Ann-Sofie1,Wernegreen Jennifer J.2,Sandström Jonas P.1,Moran Nancy A.2,Andersson Siv G. E.1


1. Department of Molecular Evolution, Evolutionary Biology Center, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden.

2. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA.


Comparison of two fully sequenced genomes of Buchnera aphidicola , the obligate endosymbionts of aphids, reveals the most extreme genome stability to date: no chromosome rearrangements or gene acquisitions have occurred in the past 50 to 70 million years, despite substantial sequence evolution and the inactivation and loss of individual genes. In contrast, the genomes of their closest free-living relatives, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp., are more than 2000-fold more labile in content and gene order. The genomic stasis of B. aphidicola , likely attributable to the loss of phages, repeated sequences, and recA , indicates that B. aphidicola is no longer a source of ecological innovation for its hosts.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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