1. Pirazzoli P. A. Coastal Problems in the Mediterranean Sea in Bird E. C. F. Fabbri P. Eds. (International Geographic Union Commission on the Coastal Environment Bologna 1983) p. 23-31.
2. Definition of the Risks of Flood Tides to the City of Venice: Current Organizational State of the City (Venice City Council Venice 1996).
3. Environmental Impact Study for the Preliminary Design of the Interventions at the Lagoon Inlets for Tidal Flow Control (Magistrato alle Acque e Consorzio Venezia Nuova Venice 1997).
4. Report on the Mobile Gates Project for the Tidal Regulation at the Venice Lagoon Inlets (Collegio di Esperti di Livello Internazionale Venice 1998).
5. Interventi alle bocche lagunari per la regolazione dei flussi di marea (Ministry of the Environment Rome 1998).