1. W. B. Wood Ed. The Nematode C. elegans (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cold Spring Harbor NY 1988)
2. D. L. Riddle et al. Eds. C. elegans II (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cold Spring Harbor NY 1997).
3. We classify gene superfamilies mainly based on phylogenetic analyses that are presented on the Web page www.sciencemag.org/feature/data/985556.shl. Routinely searches were first performed using BLASTP on the Wormpep dataset posted on the C. elegans genome blast server www.sanger.ac.uk/projects/c_elegans/blast_server.shtml (which at the time of this analysis was Wormpep15 plus a number of unannotated sequences now included in Wormpep16) and afterward confirmed using TBLASTN on the genomic sequence dataset on the C. elegans blast server. The probable ortholog of a C. elegans gene is the most closely related vertebrate or other invertebrate protein that by BLAST and/or dendrogram analysis (using the neighbor-joining method on a distance matrix created with the Kimura protein distance algorithm) is significantly more closely related than the next most closely related member of the gene superfamily. General information about the datasets and annotations can be found at: .
4. Vulval development in Caenorhabditis elegans
5. The ins and outs of programmed cell death duringC. elegansdevelopment