Pleistocene Speciation and the Mitochondrial DNA Clock


Arbogast Brian S.1,Slowinski Joseph B.2


1. Department of Biology, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109, USA E-mail:

2. Department of Herpetology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA 94118–4599, USA


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference74 articles.

1. The Importance of Recent Ice Ages in Speciation: A Failed Paradigm

2. We use Klicka and Zink's (1) definition of the LPO model throughout our paper.

3. Contrary to note 14 in the report (1) percent sequence divergence values shown in their table 1 are not corrected for superimposed substitutions under any model of nucleotide substitution (J. Klicka personal communication).

4. J. B. Slowinski and B. S. Arbogast Syst. Biol. in press.

5. J. Klicka and R. M. Zink (1) provided their cytochrome b data for our re-analysis. These data represented a total of 33 species and 21 presumptive species pairs. In a few cases the sequence-divergence values presented in table 1 in (1) were incorrect as a result of errors in the original data matrix (J. Klicka personal communication). These errors were subsequently corrected by J. Klicka and R. M. Zink; our analyses are based on the amended data set provided to us by those authors. Sources “e ” which consisted of only 288 bp of cytochrome b sequence and “m ” which is unpublished data are not Klicka and Zink's original data and were not provided to us by the authors. Therefore we did not include these two sources of data in our analyses.







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