Climate Change Will Affect the Asian Water Towers


Immerzeel Walter W.12,van Beek Ludovicus P. H.2,Bierkens Marc F. P.23


1. FutureWater, Costerweg 1G, 6702 AA Wageningen, Netherlands.

2. Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University, Post Office Box 80115, Utrecht, Netherlands.

3. Deltares, Post Office Box 80015, 3508 TC Utrecht, Netherlands.


Towering Figures The Tibetan plateau and adjacent mountain ranges are the source areas of the five major rivers of Asia. Climate change promises to affect both precipitation patterns and glacial melting in the region, which could have marked impacts on river flows and on associated agriculture. Immerzeel et al. (p. 1382 ) analyzed the relative importance of glacial meltwater and rainfall in the region in order to determine how the rivers depend on different sources of water, and how the river basins may be affected by climate change. Climate change is likely to affect water availability in the river basins in substantial but diverse ways, which may threaten the food security of tens of millions of people.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference23 articles.

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4. Potential impacts of a warming climate on water availability in snow-dominated regions

5. B. C. Bates Z. W. Kundzewicz S. Wu J. P. Palutikof Eds. Climate Change and Water (IPCC Geneva 2008).







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