Dynamics of magnetization at infinite temperature in a Heisenberg spin chain
Rosenberg E.12ORCID, Andersen T. I.1, Samajdar R.34, Petukhov A.1, Hoke J. C.5, Abanin D.1ORCID, Bengtsson A.1ORCID, Drozdov I. K.16, Erickson C.1, Klimov P. V.1, Mi X.1ORCID, Morvan A.1ORCID, Neeley M.1ORCID, Neill C.1ORCID, Acharya R.1, Allen R.1, Anderson K.1, Ansmann M.1ORCID, Arute F.1, Arya K.1ORCID, Asfaw A.1, Atalaya J.1, Bardin J. C.17ORCID, Bilmes A.1, Bortoli G.1, Bourassa A.1ORCID, Bovaird J.1, Brill L.1, Broughton M.1, Buckley B. B.1ORCID, Buell D. A.1, Burger T.1, Burkett B.1ORCID, Bushnell N.1ORCID, Campero J.1, Chang H.-S.1ORCID, Chen Z.1, Chiaro B.1, Chik D.1, Cogan J.1, Collins R.1ORCID, Conner P.1, Courtney W.1, Crook A. L.1, Curtin B.1, Debroy D. M.1, Barba A. Del Toro1ORCID, Demura S.1ORCID, Di Paolo A.1ORCID, Dunsworth A.1, Earle C.1, Faoro L.1, Farhi E.1, Fatemi R.1, Ferreira V. S.1, Burgos L. Flores1, Forati E.1, Fowler A. G.1ORCID, Foxen B.1ORCID, Garcia G.1, Genois É.1, Giang W.1, Gidney C.1, Gilboa D.1, Giustina M.1, Gosula R.1, Dau A. Grajales1, Gross J. A.1ORCID, Habegger S.1ORCID, Hamilton M. C.18ORCID, Hansen M.1, Harrigan M. P.1ORCID, Harrington S. D.1ORCID, Heu P.1, Hill G.1, Hoffmann M. R.1ORCID, Hong S.1, Huang T.1, Huff A.1, Huggins W. J.1, Ioffe L. B.1ORCID, Isakov S. V.1, Iveland J.1, Jeffrey E.1, Jiang Z.1, Jones C.1, Juhas P.1ORCID, Kafri D.1ORCID, Khattar T.1, Khezri M.1, Kieferová M.19, Kim S.1ORCID, Kitaev A.1, Klots A. R.1, Korotkov A. N.110, Kostritsa F.1, Kreikebaum J. M.1ORCID, Landhuis D.1ORCID, Laptev P.1, Lau K.-M.1, Laws L.1, Lee J.111, Lee K. W.1ORCID, Lensky Y. D.1, Lester B. J.1ORCID, Lill A. T.1, Liu W.1, Locharla A.1ORCID, Mandrà S.1ORCID, Martin O.1ORCID, Martin S.1, McClean J. R.1ORCID, McEwen M.1ORCID, Meeks S.1, Miao K. C.1ORCID, Mieszala A.1, Montazeri S.1, Movassagh R.1ORCID, Mruczkiewicz W.1ORCID, Nersisyan A.1, Newman M.1, Ng J. H.1, Nguyen A.1, Nguyen M.1, Niu M. Y.1ORCID, O’Brien T. E.1ORCID, Omonije S.1, Opremcak A.1, Potter R.1, Pryadko L. P.12, Quintana C.1, Rhodes D. M.1ORCID, Rocque C.1, Rubin N. C.1ORCID, Saei N.1, Sank D.1ORCID, Sankaragomathi K.1, Satzinger K. J.1ORCID, Schurkus H. F.1ORCID, Schuster C.1ORCID, Shearn M. J.1, Shorter A.1, Shutty N.1, Shvarts V.1, Sivak V.1, Skruzny J.1, Smith W. Clarke1, Somma R. D.1, Sterling G.1, Strain D.1, Szalay M.1ORCID, Thor D.1, Torres A.1, Vidal G.1, Villalonga B.1, Heidweiller C. Vollgraff1, White T.1ORCID, Woo B. W. K.1ORCID, Xing C.1, Yao Z. Jamie1ORCID, Yeh P.1ORCID, Yoo J.1, Young G.1, Zalcman A.1ORCID, Zhang Y.1, Zhu N.1ORCID, Zobrist N.1ORCID, Neven H.1ORCID, Babbush R.1ORCID, Bacon D.1ORCID, Boixo S.1ORCID, Hilton J.1, Lucero E.1ORCID, Megrant A.1ORCID, Kelly J.1, Chen Y.1ORCID, Smelyanskiy V.1ORCID, Khemani V.5, Gopalakrishnan S.3, Prosen T.13ORCID, Roushan P.1ORCID
1. Google Research, Mountain View, CA, USA. 2. Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. 3. Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. 4. Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. 5. Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. 6. Department of Physics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA. 7. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA. 8. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA. 9. QSI, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, NSW, Australia. 10. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA. 11. Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. 12. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA. 13. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Understanding universal aspects of quantum dynamics is an unresolved problem in statistical mechanics. In particular, the spin dynamics of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model were conjectured as to belong to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class based on the scaling of the infinite-temperature spin-spin correlation function. In a chain of 46 superconducting qubits, we studied the probability distribution of the magnetization transferred across the chain’s center,
. The first two moments of
show superdiffusive behavior, a hallmark of KPZ universality. However, the third and fourth moments ruled out the KPZ conjecture and allow for evaluating other theories. Our results highlight the importance of studying higher moments in determining dynamic universality classes and provide insights into universal behavior in quantum systems.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
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6 articles.