Accumulation and Erosion of Mars' South Polar Layered Deposits


Seu Roberto12345,Phillips Roger J.12345,Alberti Giovanni12345,Biccari Daniela12345,Bonaventura Francesco12345,Bortone Marco12345,Calabrese Diego12345,Campbell Bruce A.12345,Cartacci Marco12345,Carter Lynn M.12345,Catallo Claudio12345,Croce Anna12345,Croci Renato12345,Cutigni Marco12345,Placido Antonio Di12345,Dinardo Salvatore12345,Federico Costanzo12345,Flamini Enrico12345,Fois Franco12345,Frigeri Alessandro12345,Fuga Oreste12345,Giacomoni Emanuele12345,Gim Yonggyu12345,Guelfi Mauro12345,Holt John W.12345,Kofman Wlodek12345,Leuschen Carlton J.12345,Marinangeli Lucia12345,Marras Paolo12345,Masdea Arturo12345,Mattei Stefania12345,Mecozzi Riccardo12345,Milkovich Sarah M.12345,Morlupi Antonio12345,Mouginot Jeremie12345,Orosei Roberto12345,Papa Claudio12345,Paterno Tobia12345,del Marmo Paolo Persi12345,Pettinelli Elena12345,Pica Giulia12345,Picardi Giovanni12345,Plaut Jeffrey J.12345,Provenziani Marco12345,Putzig Nathaniel E.12345,Russo Federica12345,Safaeinili Ali12345,Salzillo Giuseppe12345,Santovito Maria Rosaria12345,Smrekar Suzanne E.12345,Tattarletti Barbara12345,Vicari Danilo12345


1. Dipartimento INFOCOM, Universita di Roma La Sapienza, I-00184 Rome, Italy.

2. Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA.

3. Consorzio di Ricerca Sistemi di Telesensori Avanzati, I-80125 Naples, Italy.

4. Info Solution Spa, I-00131 Rome, Italy.

5. Thales Alenia Space Italia, I-00131 Rome, Italy.


Mars' polar regions are covered with ice-rich layered deposits that potentially contain a record of climate variations. The sounding radar SHARAD on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mapped detailed subsurface stratigraphy in the Promethei Lingula region of the south polar plateau, Planum Australe. Radar reflections interpreted as layers are correlated across adjacent orbits and are continuous for up to 150 kilometers along spacecraft orbital tracks. The reflectors are often separated into discrete reflector sequences, and strong echoes are seen as deep as 1 kilometer. In some cases, the sequences are dipping with respect to each other, suggesting an interdepositional period of erosion. In Australe Sulci, layers are exhumed, indicating recent erosion.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)









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