Pyrimidoindole derivatives are agonists of human hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal


Fares Iman1,Chagraoui Jalila1,Gareau Yves2,Gingras Stéphane2,Ruel Réjean2,Mayotte Nadine1,Csaszar Elizabeth3,Knapp David J. H. F.4,Miller Paul4,Ngom Mor4,Imren Suzan4,Roy Denis-Claude56,Watts Kori L.7,Kiem Hans-Peter78,Herrington Robert9,Iscove Norman N.910,Humphries R. Keith4,Eaves Connie J.4,Cohen Sandra56,Marinier Anne2,Zandstra Peter W.3,Sauvageau Guy156


1. Molecular Genetics of Stem Cells Laboratory, Institute of Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC), University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada.

2. Medicinal Chemistry, IRIC, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada.

3. Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.

4. Terry Fox Laboratory, British Columbia Cancer Agency and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

5. Division of Hematology, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Montreal, QC, Canada.

6. Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada.

7. Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.

8. Department of Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.

9. Ontario Cancer Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada.

10. Department of Immunology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Human adult stem cell expansion Transfused blood saves lives. Despite the widespread use of this critical resource, it is difficult to increase blood cell numbers outside of the body. By screening thousands of small compounds, Fares et al. identify a molecule that expands human stem cell numbers in cord blood. The researchers generate many variations of that molecule and show that one such compound provides even greater human blood cell expansion. If researchers can provide increased numbers of stem cells and progenitor cells, cord blood should find even greater use in the clinic. Science , this issue p. 1509


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)









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