Improving the forecast for biodiversity under climate change


Urban M. C.1,Bocedi G.2,Hendry A. P.3,Mihoub J.-B.45,Pe’er G.56,Singer A.678,Bridle J. R.9,Crozier L. G.10,De Meester L.11,Godsoe W.12,Gonzalez A.13,Hellmann J. J.14,Holt R. D.15,Huth A.6716,Johst K.7,Krug C. B.1718,Leadley P. W.1718,Palmer S. C. F.2,Pantel J. H.19,Schmitz A.5,Zollner P. A.20,Travis J. M. J.2


1. Institute of Biological Risk, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA.

2. Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.

3. Redpath Museum, Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

4. Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CNRS, CESCO, UMR 7204, Paris, France.

5. Conservation Biology, UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany.

6. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.

7. Ecological Modelling, UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany.

8. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedish Species Information Centre, Uppsala, Sweden.

9. School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.

10. NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, USA.

11. Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

12. Bio-Protection Research Centre, Lincoln University, Lincoln, New Zealand.

13. Biology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

14. Institute on the Environment; Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA.

15. Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.

16. Institute for Environmental Systems Research, Department of Mathematics/Computer Science, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany.

17. Ecologie Systématique Evolution, University Paris-Sud, CNRS, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France.

18. DIVERSITAS, Paris, France.

19. Centre d’Ecologie fonctionnelle et Evolutive, UMR 5175 CNRS-Université de Montpellier-EPHE, Montpellier Cedex, France.

20. Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.


BACKGROUND As global climate change accelerates, one of the most urgent tasks for the coming decades is to develop accurate predictions about biological responses to guide the effective protection of biodiversity. Predictive models in biology provide a means for scientists to project changes to species and ecosystems in response to disturbances such as climate change. Most current predictive models, however, exclude important biological mechanisms such as demography, dispersal, evolution, and species interactions. These biological mechanisms have been shown to be important in mediating past and present responses to climate change. Thus, current modeling efforts do not provide sufficiently accurate predictions. Despite the many complexities involved, biologists are rapidly developing tools that include the key biological processes needed to improve predictive accuracy. The biggest obstacle to applying these more realistic models is that the data needed to inform them are almost always missing. We suggest ways to fill this growing gap between model sophistication and information to predict and prevent the most damaging aspects of climate change for life on Earth. ADVANCES On the basis of empirical and theoretical evidence, we identify six biological mechanisms that commonly shape responses to climate change yet are too often missing from current predictive models: physiology; demography, life history, and phenology; species interactions; evolutionary potential and population differentiation; dispersal, colonization, and range dynamics; and responses to environmental variation. We prioritize the types of information needed to inform each of these mechanisms and suggest proxies for data that are missing or difficult to collect. We show that even for well-studied species, we often lack critical information that would be necessary to apply more realistic, mechanistic models. Consequently, data limitations likely override the potential gains in accuracy of more realistic models. Given the enormous challenge of collecting this detailed information on millions of species around the world, we highlight practical methods that promote the greatest gains in predictive accuracy. Trait-based approaches leverage sparse data to make more general inferences about unstudied species. Targeting species with high climate sensitivity and disproportionate ecological impact can yield important insights about future ecosystem change. Adaptive modeling schemes provide a means to target the most important data while simultaneously improving predictive accuracy. OUTLOOK Strategic collections of essential biological information will allow us to build generalizable insights that inform our broader ability to anticipate species’ responses to climate change and other human-caused disturbances. By increasing accuracy and making uncertainties explicit, scientists can deliver improved projections for biodiversity under climate change together with characterizations of uncertainty to support more informed decisions by policymakers and land managers. Toward this end, a globally coordinated effort to fill data gaps in advance of the growing climate-fueled biodiversity crisis offers substantial advantages in efficiency, coverage, and accuracy. Biologists can take advantage of the lessons learned from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s development, coordination, and integration of climate change projections. Climate and weather projections were greatly improved by incorporating important mechanisms and testing predictions against global weather station data. Biology can do the same. We need to adopt this meteorological approach to predicting biological responses to climate change to enhance our ability to mitigate future changes to global biodiversity and the services it provides to humans. Emerging models are beginning to incorporate six key biological mechanisms that can improve predictions of biological responses to climate change. Models that include biological mechanisms have been used to project (clockwise from top) the evolution of disease-harboring mosquitoes, future environments and land use, physiological responses of invasive species such as cane toads, demographic responses of penguins to future climates, climate-dependent dispersal behavior in butterflies, and mismatched interactions between butterflies and their host plants. Despite these modeling advances, we seldom have the detailed data needed to build these models, necessitating new efforts to collect the relevant data to parameterize more biologically realistic predictive models.


Canada Research Chair

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science

University of Florida Foundation

European Union Biodiversity Observation Network

KU Leuven Research Fund


McDonnell Foundation


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference66 articles.

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