Results from the Mars Pathfinder Camera


Smith P. H.12345,Bell J. F.12345,Bridges N. T.12345,Britt D. T.12345,Gaddis L.12345,Greeley R.12345,Keller H. U.12345,Herkenhoff K. E.12345,Jaumann R.12345,Johnson J. R.12345,Kirk R. L.12345,Lemmon M.12345,Maki J. N.12345,Malin M. C.12345,Murchie S. L.12345,Oberst J.12345,Parker T. J.12345,Reid R. J.12345,Sablotny R.12345,Soderblom L. A.12345,Stoker C.12345,Sullivan R.12345,Thomas N.12345,Tomasko M. G.12345,Ward W.12345,Wegryn E.12345


1. P. H. Smith, D. T. Britt, M. Lemmon, R. J. Reid, M. G. Tomasko, E. Wegryn, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA.

2. J. F. Bell III and R. Sullivan, Cornell University, Ithaca , NY 14853, USA.

3. N. T. Bridges, K. E. Herkenhoff, J. N. Maki, T. J. Parker, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA.

4. L. Gaddis, J. R. Johnson, R. L. Kirk, L. A. Soderblom, W. Ward, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA.

5. R. Greeley, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA.


Images of the martian surface returned by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) show a complex surface of ridges and troughs covered by rocks that have been transported and modified by fluvial, aeolian, and impact processes. Analysis of the spectral signatures in the scene (at 440- to 1000-nanometer wavelength) reveal three types of rock and four classes of soil. Upward-looking IMP images of the predawn sky show thin, bluish clouds that probably represent water ice forming on local atmospheric haze (opacity ∼0.5). Haze particles are about 1 micrometer in radius and the water vapor column abundance is about 10 precipitable micrometers.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference56 articles.

1. P. H. Smith and the IMP team J. Geophys. Res. 102 4003 (1997). The IMP is multispectral mineralogical filters from 440 to 1000 nm and stereoscopic two eyes separated by 15 cm. The mast deployed on sol 2 raised the camera 0.61 m to a height of 1.85 m above the martian surface; azimuth and elevation motors allow it to look in any direction (although straight down is a protected light- and dust-tight position). The resolution is 1 mrad per pixel and the FOV is 14.4°; panoramas are mosaicked from these individual frames.

2. Magnetic Properties Experiments on the Mars Pathfinder Lander: Preliminary Results

3. Golombek M., et al., ibid. 278, 1743 (1997).

4. T. A. Mutch et al. ibid. 193 791 (1976)

5. T. A. Mutch et al. ibid. 194 87 (1976).







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