1. Every Newborn - An Action Plan To End Preventable Deaths. Available from: http://www.everynewborn.org/Documents/Full-action-plan-EN.pdf. [Last accessed on 2014 Nov 05].
2. Global Newborn Health Conference 15-18 April, 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa. Report. Available from: http://www.newborn2013.com/. [Last accessed on 2014 Nov 05].
3. Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health at the 67th World Health Assembly Endorsed in May; 2014.
4. Indian Newborn Actiona Plan, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Available from: http://www.newbornwhocc.org/INAP_Final.pdf. [Last accessed on 2014 Oct 25].
5. UN Interagency Group on Mortality Estimates and MoHFW Estimates. Available from: http://www.childmortality.org/index.php?r=site/graph#ID=IND_India. [Last accessed on 2014 Oct 25].