"Dezvoltarea câmpului lexico-semantic cu nucleul semantic „sânge” în cinci limbi romanice"




"Through the contrastive compositional analysis (using the notions of sem and archisememe) of the (macro)thematic field with the semantic center „blood” in five romance languages, we discover a set of contrastive features. One is that they develop the field using synonymy, polysemy and sems, both inside the European and the American varieties. A second one is that they possess specific thematic fields, present in some of these languages, as well as specific phrases, alongside with a series of general or particular sets of equivalence, grouped by two or more languages. A third feature is that lexical statistics, that we calculated on basis of our lexicographic corpus, shows that, in the considered field, the quantitative importance of representation for these languages, with approximate values, is as follows: Spanish (115 phrases), Italian (80 phrases), French (50 phrases), Portuguese (40 phrases) and Romanian (26 phrases)."


Editura Academiei Romane

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