Proverbe cu termeni religioși: o posibilă abordare în arie lingvistică romanică




This article represents a preliminary study within the project Paremiological items based on religious terms. A special view on Romanian, Spanish, French and Portuguese that I coordinate at the Romance Department of the Institute of Linguistics “Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti”. This type of approach is necessary considering the general tendency in the field to base the contrastive research only on Western Romance data. Furthermore, the proverbs containing religious terms have been only superficially and inconsistently investigated. In this article, I traced back the main issues of a contrastive Romance proverb analysis. I took into account the previous research gains of the field, as well as a multitude of theoretical-conceptual distinctions, such as: proverb items vs. other types of complex structures, like phraseological units; subtypes of proverb units; proverb variants and invariants; proverb lexical variants and border proverb units; the concept of ‘ethnofield’; proverb synonymy in the narrow vs. broad sense; literal vs. conceptual proverb equivalence; interlinguistic proverb variance and proverb heteronimy, etc. All these aspects were considered into the outline of the general project framework.


Editura Academiei Romane

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