Investigation of social capital, empathy and individual responsibility parameters in dual career athletes: an exploratory study


Arı AbdilORCID,Öz Nazlı DenizORCID


Background and Study Aim. The main purpose of the study is to investigate whether the individual responsibility and empathy levels of athlete-students affect the level of social capital. The secondary purpose is to examine the social capital, empathy and individual responsibility levels of athlete-students in terms of various variables and to reveal the relationship between them. Material and Methods. In this context, "Social Capital Scale" , "Empathy Scale in Sports Environment"  and "Student Individual Responsibility Scale" were used as data collection tools. University students participating in sports competitions in the 2021-2022 academic year were included in the study on a voluntary basis. The inclusion criteria were determined as being both an athlete and a student, being over the age of 18 and being a competitor. A total of 284 (N female=110; N male=174) athlete-students who met these criteria participated in the study. Since the normal distribution conditions were met in the analysis of the data, independent t-test was used for pairwise comparisons, one-way anova for multiple comparisons, and pearson correlation test for relationship analysis. After the assumptions were met, linear regression test was used to determine the effect levels. Results. As a result of the study, all dependent variables were high in favour of men, and the variables were positively affected as age and years of experience increased. In addition, a positive and moderate relationship was found between the dependent variables. As the main result of the study, the effect rate was determined as 39% by the regression analysis conducted to evaluate empathy and individual responsibility as predictors of social capital. Conclusions. As a result, the concept of social capital, which expresses the continuity and sustainability of our life-related social relations, seriously affects the levels of empathy and social responsibility in the sample of athlete-students in the sports environment. It is thought that the studies to be carried out for the development of these skills will positively affect the concepts of safety, social communication and fair-play in sports.


Sergii Iermakov


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Environmental Engineering

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