Psychological resilience for students of faculty of physical education and sports science


Salih Adel OmarORCID,Younis Ahmed AbdellaORCID,Chtourou HamdiORCID


Background and Study Aim. Understanding the psychological resilience of the student population is becoming increasingly significant in contemporary times. The research aims to identify the level of psychological resilience among students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and also the differences in average scores in the level of psychological resilience among them. Material and Methods. The research used a descriptive approach, employing the survey method to collect data. The research sample deliberately included 68 male and female students from the teaching, training, and rehabilitation division in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) was used after excluding some items to make it suitable for the Libyan environment. Results. The results show a high level of psychological resilience among the students in both the teaching and training divisions, while it was average for the students in the rehabilitation division. Additionally, there are statistically significant differences between the three divisions, with the teaching division having higher scores. There are no statistically significant differences between the training and rehabilitation divisions in terms of the scale of psychological resilience, due to the similarity of means. Conclusions. Increasing the level of students' psychological resilience may result from assigning greater responsibility to them during the field training period, which simulates their future work environment. Additionally, it is advisable to develop preventive programs aimed at reducing the low level of psychological resilience among students and to prepare guidance programs aimed at enhancing psychological resilience among students.


Sergii Iermakov


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Environmental Engineering

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