1. Punnapala, S., Abdullah, D.S., Grutters, M., Cristea, Z., El Naggar, H.E.D.M., Bahamish, F.J., Senaad, R., Bakri, H.J., and Abbas, Z. 2021: Preventing Asphaltene Deposition by Inhibitor Squeeze Injection: Case Studies from Giant Carbonate Abu Dhabi Fields. SPE-206319-MS. presented at SPE ATCE, Dubai, UAE. doi.org/10.2118/206319-MS.
2. SPE. 2021a: Download a historical list of all of our Distinguished Lecturers. https://www.spe.org/media/filer_public/41/58/41583b95-4ea1-41ac-9f76-a990d4f9eb36/dls_from_1961_thru_2021.xls(Last access: 2022.2.14).
3. SPE. 2021b: Distinguished Lecturer Topics Announced for 2021-2022. JPT August 2021, pp.69-70. https://jpt.spe.org/2021-2022-distinguished-lecturers?_ga=2.166326142.1545496546.1627870787-445170446.1620550810(Last access: 2022.2.14).
4. SPE. 2021c: Current Lecturers. https://www.spe.org/en/dl/current-distinguished-lecturers/(Last access: 2022.2.14)
5. Takabayashi, K., Iwama, H., and Yonebayashi, H. 2020: Practical Prediction of Asphaltene Mitigation Based on Dynamic Asphaltene Inhibitor Test DAIT. SPE-202294-MS. presented at SPE APOGCE, virtual. doi.org/10.2118/202294-MS.