Integrating of GIS and GPS for ionospheric perturbations in D- and F-layers using VLF receiver


Ahmedov Bobomurat1,Mirzaev Bahadir1,Mamatov Farmon1,Khodzhaev Dadakhon1,Julliev Mukhiddin1


1. Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Kori Niyoziy str., 39, 100000, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Regular monitoring of the D- and F-layers of ionosphere over Central Asia territory is being performed on the permanent basis starting year 2008 when one Very Low Frequency (VLF) receiver and two SuperSID receivers were provided to Uzbekistan IHY cite by Stanford University. The results obtained at Tashkent IHY (International Heliophysical Year) station are applied to earthquake electromagnetic precursors, lightning, and Solar flares and to ionospheric disturbances originating from gamma ray flares of Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters. Regular monitoring of the D-layer of ionosphere over Central Asia territory has been performed on the permanent basis. Several Solar events are observed and the analysis has shown that there is simultaneous correlation between the times of change of amplitude of the waves and the Solar flares. Features of the lightning discharge generated by radio atmospherics are studied and its effectiveness in D-region ionosphere diagnostics is examined. We have mainly analyzed GPS derived TEC disturbances from two GPS stations located in Tashkent and Kitab, for possible earthquake ionospheric precursors. The solar and geomagnetic conditions were quiet during occurrence of the selected more than 30 earthquakes. We produced TEC time series over both sites and apply them to detect anomalous TEC signals preceding or accompanying the earthquakes. The results show anomalous enhancements which are examined in the earthquakes.


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General Engineering







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