Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Composite Flours Based on Mocaf and Tempeh Flour for Making Cookies


Kristanti DitaORCID,Setiaboma WoroORCID


Gluten and casein free cookie products are increasingly in demand by consumers. Gluten and casein free cookies were made using mocaf as a substitute for gluten-free flour and tempeh flour as a casein-free protein source. The characteristics of a good cookie composite flour made from mocaf and tempeh flour need to be known. The purpose of this study was to determine the physicochemical and functional properties of a cookie composite flour based on mocaf and tempeh flour. The composite flour was mixed by dry mixing. The composite flour formulations were: C0 (100% wheat flour); C1 (100% mocaf); C2 (75% mocaf and 25% tempeh flour); C3 (50% mocaf and 50% tempeh flour); C4 (25% mocaf and 75% tempeh flour) and C5 (100% tempeh flour). The results showed that addition of tempeh flour increased the ash, protein, fat, minerals, a* value, b* value, and water absorption capacity. The addition of tempeh flour was proven to reduce moisture content, carbohydrates, lightness, and whiteness index value. The cookie composite flour made from 75% mocaf and 25% tempeh flour had a gelatinization profile similar to 100% wheat flour, so this formula was recommended as a cookie composite flour. ABSTRAK: Produk kuki bebas gluten dan kasein semakin meningkat dalam permintaan pengguna. Kuki bebas gluten dan kasein dibuat menggunakan mocaf sebagai pengganti tepung bebas gluten dan tepung tempe sebagai sumber protein bebas kasein. Ciri-ciri tepung komposit biskut yang baik diperbuat daripada tepung mocaf dan tempeh perlu diketahui. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan sifat fizikokimia dan fungsian bagi tepung komposit biskut berasaskan tepung mocaf dan tempeh. Tepung komposit telah dicampur dengan adunan kering. Formulasi tepung komposit ialah C0 (100% tepung gandum); C1 (100% mocaf); C2 (75% mocaf dan 25% tepung tempeh); C3 (50% mocaf dan 50% tepung tempeh); C4 (25% mocaf dan 75% tepung tempeh) dan C5 (100% tepung tempeh). Hasil kajian menunjukkan penambahan tepung tempeh meningkatkan kadar abu, protein, lemak, mineral, nilai a*, nilai b*, dan kapasiti penyerapan air. Penambahan tepung tempeh terbukti dapat mengurangkan kandungan lembapan, karbohidrat, ringan, dan nilai indeks keputihan. Tepung komposit biskut yang diperbuat daripada 75% mocaf dan 25% tepung tempe mempunyai profil gelatinisasi yang serupa dengan 100% tepung gandum, jadi formula ini disyorkan sebagai tepung komposit biskut.


IIUM Press


Applied Mathematics,General Engineering,General Chemical Engineering,General Computer Science







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