Notes on the tourist exploitation of archaeological sites: A case of study of best practices applied to rural heritage in Spain


Castelo Ruano Raquel,González Soutelo SilviaORCID


Beyond the mere promotion and diffusion of information, the dissemination of heritage sites also requires heightening social awareness of their historical and cultural value, which in turn intrinsically implies a greater appreciation and protection of this heritage by population groups close to it. Effective dissemination involves considering a number of values, actions and criteria. Heritage sites have an intrinsic value as an expression of the history and culture of a community, and it is therefore essential to respect and conserve their authenticity and originality. Dissemination may take the form of a number of actions, such as the creation of educational materials, the organisation of cultural events, guided tours and the promotion of research and conservation as part of the creation of new diffusion strategies. It is therefore of vital importance to identify clearly defined criteria for the selection and dissemination of such spaces, taking into consideration their historical and cultural significance, their state of conservation and their potential for driving awareness and promoting education. In this sense, the dissemination of heritage sites requires an integrated approach that combines research, conservation and promotion that involves both the local community and visitors in their preservation and enjoyment.


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme


F1000 Research Ltd

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