
Wąsiński Arkadiusz1,Szyszka Michał1


1. Higher School of Administration in Bielsko-Biała, Poland


In this study the authors discuss the issue of changes related to the integration and disintegration of family as regards the interaction of external factors listed among modern civilization threats. The authors assume that family is a special type of community life as compared to other forms of communities on various levels of social structure. It has a function to protect its members in the relations with the outside world, and at the same time it prepares them to take active part in the world and integrates them with what is outside. Coherence and durability of the family is in this context of key importance not only for development processes, quality and functioning of family members (both children and parents), but also for getting them ready to take up actions that contribute new values to the family life. The form and structure of the text are shaped as the theoretical analysis created on the basis of empirical research published in scientific literature. The objective of this article is not the detailed description and interpretation of the research, but rather an attempt to intellectually exceed the boundaries of the research in order to define the significance of communication processes and the authenticity of family relationships for building the atmosphere of emotional kindness and the feeling of mutual support within the space of the family community. The consequence of such processes is the positive stimulation as regards taking up developmental tasks by the family members (both children and parents), which are realised in various circles of social, cultural and educational interactions of the social environment. The constructive image of the theoretical analysis is disclosed in the considerations focused on methodical values of the strategy of family dialogue set in the perspective of specific behavior and attitudes of the family members as confronted with stereotypical fear of weakening the position and authority of the parents. Key words: civilization threats, factors of family disintegration, family as a community, intergenerational dialogue, open communication model.


Scientia Socialis Ltd


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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