Kolisnyk Maryna,Kornytska Yuliya,Ogurtsova Olga,Sokyrska Olga
Many factors influence the development of the educational system, and today it is a global COVID-19 pandemic. Stakeholders in the educational process need to adjust to a new distant reality without compromising the quality. The formative assessment proved to be a suitable approach to overcome existing challenges, and one of the most popular tools to facilitate it is Socrative. The study aims to 1) investigate student attitudes and the correlation between academic achievements in ESP and majors and 2) present our experience in utilizing Socrative for formative assessment in a distant mode in the settings of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.” To achieve the goals of our study, we have developed and validated a questionnaire, collected quantitative data, analyzed and interpreted the qualitative data; the study sample included 137 students. The obtained results have shown the general positive student attitude towards the usage of Socrative within the course of ESP due to its efficacy, personalization, and responsiveness. The results can be a perspective for further investigation despite some limitations