Raising Algerian Master’s Students’ Self-awareness towards Using Learning Strategies during Online Classes at Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University of Mostaganem


ZIANI Melouka


Since the Coronavirus outbreak in 2019, higher education has shifted from face-to-face learning to distance learning incorporating various platforms such as Moodle. The use of the latter has changed the Algerian university’s teaching and learning dynamics. In this case, and unlike in-traditional class learning, which is characterized by physical interaction, online learning requires self-awareness about personal strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the issue addressed in this paper was which strategy the students need to use online and whether the students use the same learning strategies in the two modes of learning; in-class and online. They are now a must to use new strategies to engage in Digital Learning (DL). In this view and based on Oxford 2003, Chamot 2004, Griffith 2013, and O’Malley 1995 references regarding learning strategies that have been pointed out as major determinants for successful learning, this study aims to raise the students’ self-awareness towards using different learning strategies in online learning compared to in-class learning.The main objective of the present investigation is to identify whether Master’s students in the department of English at the University of Mostaganem use different learning strategies for their online courses or not. Oxford’s Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL), 1990, has been adapted and used with 80 Master’s students of English at Abdelhamid University of Mostaganem, Algeria, to gather relevant data. The findings revealed that most students use the same language learning strategies for both in-class and online learning. Hence, an adaptation and strategy instruction for online learning is recommended, i.e., students have to modify and adapt their own way of learning the target language since some learning strategies may not be effective for distance one.


AWEJ Group


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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1. A Visualization Analysis of Using Moodle Within English Language Teaching and Learning via CiteSpace;2024 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET);2024-03-18








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