Influence of Openings on Earthquake Performance of Confined Masonry Structures


Sheikh Uzair Ab Latif1ORCID


1. Chandigarh University


Abstract The zone around the openings is the location of high stress concentration as a result of which tensile stress develops in the area around the openings in any structure whether RCC, unreinforced masonry or confined masonry. In case of confined masonry significant researches and experiments have shown that the size, location and shape of an opening have a significant effect over the behaviour of confined masonry wall although many codes do not consider this effect. This paper presents the effect of openings (windows) on earthquake resistant behaviour of confined masonry structure. Seismic analysis of considered four confined masonry structures is done to arrive at more accurate conclusions. Various output parameters compared include base shear, seismic weight of structures, time periods in both the directions i.e. x and y directions. It was concluded from the analysis results that window should be placed as far from the centre location of wall panel as possible otherwise, it affects the diagonal strut action of the masonry wall panel and hence reducing its seismic performance.


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