Prediction of nonmass breast cancer based on ultrasound and molybdenum target characteristics


Wang Zhuoran1,Cao Xufeng2,Jia Chunmei1,Mi Na1,Li Tingting1,Wang Jingjie1,Fan Ruiqi1,Quan Jiayu1


1. First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University

2. The Seventh Medical Center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital


Abstract To investigate the effect of ultrasound and molybdenum target X-ray characteristics in predicting nonmass breast cancer. We retrospectively analyzed the data of 185 nonmass breast lesion patients between September 2019 and 2021. Benign and malignant nonmass breast lesions were typed into lamellar hypoechoic, ductal alteration, microcalcification, and structural disorder types, as seen on ultrasonography. In addition, the differences in molybdenum target X-ray parameters, ultrasonographic manifestations and ultrasound characteristics among individuals with nonmass breast lesions were studied. Ultrasound manifestation of microcalcified type and suspicious malignancy on molybdenum target X-ray evaluation were independently associated with nonmass breast cancer and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). The subsequent logistic regression model was as follows: Logit (P) =-1.757+2.194*microcalcification type on ultrasound + 1.520*suspicious malignancy on molybdenum target X-ray evaluation. The areas under the ROC curves for microcalcification type on ultrasound, suspicious malignancy on molybdenum target X-ray, and the diagnostic model were 0.733, 0.667, and 0.827, respectively.Using ultrasound and molybdenum targets for diagnosis can increase the accuracy in finding nonmass breast cancer.The findings of this study can help improve the rate of detecting nonlumpy breast cancer and provide an imaging basis for improving the prognosis of breast cancer patients.


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