CUX1-related neurodevelopmental disorder: Deep insights into phenotype-genotype spectrum and underlying pathology


Oppermann Henry1ORCID,Marcos-Grañeda Elia,Weiss Linnea,Gurnett Christina2,Jelsig Anne Marie3,Vineke Susanne,Isidor Bertrand4,Mercier Sandra5,Magnussen Kari,Zacher Pia,Hashim Mona,Pagnamenta Alistair6ORCID,Race Simone,Srivast Siddharth7ORCID,Frazier Zoë,Maiwald Robert,Pergande Matthias,Milani Donatella8,Rinelli Martina,Levy Jonathan9,Krey Ilona10ORCID,Fontana Paolo,Lonardo Fortunato11,Riley Stephanie,Kretzer Jasmine,Rankin Julia,Reis Linda12ORCID,Semina Elena13ORCID,Reuter Miriam14ORCID,Scherer Stephen15ORCID,Iascone Maria16,Weis Denisa17,Fagerberg Christina18ORCID,Brasch-Andersen Charlotte19,Hansen Lars18,Kuechler Alma20,Noble Nathan,Gardham Alice,Tenney Jessica,Rathore Geetanjali,Beck-Woedl Stefanie21,Haack Tobias22,Pavlidou Despina23,Atallah Isis23ORCID,Vodopiutz Julia24ORCID,Janecke Andreas25ORCID,Lemke Johannes10ORCID,Jamra Rami Abou26ORCID,Nieto Marta,Tümer ZeynepORCID,Platzer Konrad27ORCID


1. University of Leipzig Medical Center, Leipzig, Germany

2. Washington University

3. University Hospital of Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet

4. CHU de Nantes

5. CHU Nantes

6. University of Oxford

7. Boston Children's Hospital

8. Università degli Studi di Milano Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico

9. Robert-Debré University Hospital

10. University of Leipzig Medical Center

11. A.O.R.N. G. Rummo

12. Medical College of Wisconsin

13. Medical College of Wisconsin and Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

14. The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada

15. Hospital for Sick Children

16. ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII

17. Kepler University Hospital, School of Medicine, Johannes Kepler University Linz

18. Odense University Hospital

19. Syddansk Universitet

20. Universitätsklinikum Essen

21. Medical Genetics and Applied Genomics

22. University of Tübingen

23. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois - CHUV

24. Medical University of Vienna

25. Medical University of Innsbruck

26. University Medical Center Leipzig

27. University of Leipzig, Medical Center


Abstract Heterozygous, pathogenic CUX1 variants are associated with global developmental delay or intellectual disability. This study delineates the clinical presentation in an extended cohort and investigates the molecular mechanism underlying the disorder in a Cux1+/− mouse model. Through international collaboration, we assembled the phenotypic and molecular information for 34 individuals (23 unpublished cases). A Cux1+/− mouse model was used to analyze CUX1 expression in the brain and evaluate susceptibility to epilepsy. We describe 34 patients with 26 different null and four missense variants. The leading symptoms were mild to moderate delayed speech and motor development, and intellectual disability. In Cux1+/− mice, we found delayed growth, histologically normal brains, and increased susceptibility to seizures. In Cux1+/− brains, the expression of Cux1 transcripts was half of WT animals. Expression of CUX1 proteins was also reduced, although in early postnatal animals significantly more than in adults. In summary, disease-causing CUX1 variants result in a non-syndromic phenotype of developmental delay and intellectual disability. In some patients, this phenotype ameliorates with age, resulting in a clinical catch-up and normal IQ in adulthood. Furthermore, the balance of CUX1 isoform expression in the brain during development appears to be important for this favorable clinical course.


Research Square Platform LLC

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