Colonic Resection, stOma, or self-expanding metal Stents for obstruCtive left cOlon cancer. The CROSCO-1  study protocol


Giordano Alessio1,Podda Mauro2,Montori Giulia3,Botteri Emanuele4,Fugazzola Paola5,Ortenzi Monica6,Guerrieri Mario6,Vettoretto Nereo4,Agresta Ferdinando3,Sartori Alberto7,Bergamini Carlo1,Martellucci Jacopo1,Guariniello Anna8,Fransvea Pietro9,Azzinnaro Antonio10,Scatizzi Marco11,Catena Fausto12,Coccolini Federico13,Ansaloni Luca5,Sartelli Massimo14,Sapienza Paolo15,Mingoli Andrea15,Prosperi Paolo1


1. Careggi University Hospital

2. University Hospital of Cagliari

3. Ulss2 Marca Trevigiana

4. ASST Spedali Civili Di Brescia

5. Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo

6. Università Politecnica Delle Marche

7. Ospedale Di Montebelluna

8. S. Maria delle Croci Hospital

9. Catholic University of Sacred Heart

10. Galliera Hospital

11. Santa Maria Annunziata & Serristori Hospital

12. Bufalini Hospital

13. Pisa University Hospital

14. Macerata Hospital

15. Sapienza University


Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. There are several causes of a mechanical left bowel obstructive but CRC accounts for approximately 50% of cases and in 10–30% of whom it is the presenting syndrome. In most cases, the left colon is involved. At present, the range of therapeutic alternatives in the management of obstructive left CRC in emergency conditions (primary resection vs staged resection with applied self-expanding metallic stents) is broad, whereas internationally validated clinical recommendations in each condition are still lacking. This enormous variability affects the scientific evidence on both the immediate and long-term surgical and oncological outcomes. CROSCO-1 (Colonic Resection, stOma or self-expanding metal Stents for obstruCtive left cOlon cancer) study is a national, multi-center, prospective observational study intending to compare the clinical results of all these therapeutic regimens in a cohort of patients treated for obstructive left-sided CRC. The primary aim of the CROSCO-1 study is the 1-year stoma rate of patients undergoing primary emergency surgical resection (Hartmann procedure or primary resection and anastomosis) compared with patients undergoing staged resection. Secondary outcomes are 30-day and 90-day major morbidity and mortality, 1-year quality of life and the timing of chemotherapy initiation in the two groups. Future CROSCO studies will follow in which, instead, we will evaluate the long-term oncological outcomes of the two treatment strategies ClinicalTrials.Gov ID Number, NCT05801211. Date: April 13, 2023. Protocol Version V2.1.


Research Square Platform LLC

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