Performance analysis of coherent DPSK SIMO laser-based satellite-to-ground communication link over weak-to-strong turbulence channels considering Kolmogorov and non-Kolmogorov spectrum models


Abouelez Ahmed Elsayed1


1. Electronics Research Institute


Abstract In the present work, the average bit error rate (BER), outage probability (OP), and ergodic capacity of the satellite-to-ground heterodyne optical communication system with receiver spatial diversity are analysed. A differential phase-shift keying modulation technique is used. The propagated laser signal from the satellite to the ground station is assumed to be subjected to Málaga-distributed atmospheric turbulence. The atmospheric turbulence statistics are carried out based on the conventional Kolmogorov spectrum model and the three-layer altitude (TLA) non-Kolmogorov spectrum model. The performance of popular diversity combining techniques, namely, maximum ratio combining (MRC) and equal gain combining (EGC) techniques are analyzed. The statistical models of the MRC technique under the Málaga-distributed atmospheric channel model are obtained in analytical form expressions. The statistical models of the EGC technique under the Málaga-distributed atmospheric channel model are obtained via the fast Fourier transform representation of the characteristic function method. Based on these statistical models, average BER, OP, and ergodic capacity expressions for each type of diversity combining technique are derived. For the communication system under investigation, the performance of MRC and EGC multiple aperture receiver systems are compared to a single aperture receiver with the same total aperture area. These comparisons are carried out under the same conditions in terms of zenith angle and signal-to-noise ratio. The obtained results show that the performance of the optical communication system under investigation with MRC and EGC receivers can be improved by increasing the order of diversity. In addition, it is found that the difference in the performance between Kolmogorov and TLA non-Kolmogorov spectrum models is not significant at low zenith angles, while this difference increases as the zenith angle increases. All numerical results are verified by Monte-Carlo simulations.


Research Square Platform LLC

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