Molecular Interactions of the Omicron, Kappa, and Delta SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins with Quantum Dots of Graphene Oxide


Arouche Tiago da Silva1,Lobato Julio Cesar Mendes1,Borges Rosivaldo1,Oliveira Mozaniel Santana2,Neto Antonio Maia de Jesus Chaves1


1. Federal University of Pará

2. ITEC, Federal University of Pará


Abstract Graphene oxide quantum dots (GOQDs) represent a burgeoning class of oxygen-enriched, zero-dimensional materials characterized by their sub-20 nm dimensions. Exhibiting pronounced quantum confinement and edge effects, GOQDs manifest exceptional physical-chemical attributes. This study delves into the potential of graphene oxide quantum dots, elucidating their inherent properties pertinent to the surface structures of SARS-CoV-2, employing an integrated computational approach for the repositioning of inhibitory agents. Following rigorous adjustment tests, a spectrum of divergent bonding conformations emerged, with particular emphasis placed on identifying the conformation exhibiting optimal adjustment scores and interactions. The investigation employed molecular docking simulations integrating affinity energy evaluations, electrostatic potential clouds, molecular dynamics encompassing average square root calculations, and the computation of Gibbs-free energy. These values quantify the strength of interaction between GOQDs and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants. Lower values indicate stronger binding. Notably, GO-E consistently showed the most negative values across interactions with different variants, suggesting a higher affinity compared to other GOQDs (GO-A to GO-D).


Research Square Platform LLC

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