Regulation of apoptotic pathways by expression of AtBAG4 gene in Rasthali (AAB) banana induces effective containment of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp cubense (FOC)


Umesha M -1,Sunisha C1,Chandrashekar N1,R Usharani T1,- Sowmya H. D1,S Sriram1


1. ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research


Abstract Fusarium oxysporum f sp cubense (FOC) is fatal disease in banana limiting banana growers from attaining its potential yields across the globe. In the present study Rasthali (AAB), banana cultivar was transformed with Arabidopsis thaliana BAG4 gene (Bcl-2 associated athanogene) to modulate cell death pathways for probable induction of resistance against this deadly fungal pathogen. Stable transgenic plants were derived from transforming the embryogenic cells derived from immature male floral buds. Southern blotting and real time PCR confirmed integration and expression of the gene cassette respectively. Stable transgenic banana lines were selected from a number of transformation events based on the copy number and vigorous growth. Root challenge bioassay was performed with FOC mycelial extracts to derive disease severity index. Tolerant lines were micropropagated and analyzed for enzyme assays of super oxide dismutase and peroxidase. DNA fragmentation was not observed in stable transformants after FOC infection as confirmed by TUNEL assay. Transgenic AtBAG4 Rasthali plants effectively contained the infection processes and exhibited tolerance to FOC (Race 1). AtBAG4 mediated induction of resistance against FOC serves as a sustainable option for integrated Fusarium wilt management.


Research Square Platform LLC

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