Multifaceted activation of STING axis upon Nipah and Measles virus-induced syncytia formation


Amurri Lucia1,Dumont Claire2ORCID,Pelissier Rodolphe1,Reynard Olivier3ORCID,Mathieu Cyrille4ORCID,Spanier Julia5ORCID,Pályi Bernadett6,Deri Daniel7,Karkowski Ludovic1,Skerra Jennifer8,Kis Zoltán6,Kalinke Ulrich9,Horvat Branka2ORCID,Iampietro Mathieu1ORCID


1. CIRI, Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie


3. International Center for Infectiology Research

4. CIRI, Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie, Team Immuno-Biology of Viral Infections, Univ Lyon, Inserm, U1111, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR5308, ENS de Lyon

5. Institute for Experimental Infection Research, TWINCORE

6. National Public Health Center

7. National Biosafety Laboratory, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy

8. Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research

9. TWINCORE, Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research


Abstract Activation of the DNA-sensing STING axis by RNA viruses plays a role in antiviral response through mechanisms that remain poorly understood. Here, we show that the STING pathway regulates Nipah virus (NiV) replication in vivo in mice. Moreover, we demonstrate that following both NiV and measles virus (MeV) infection, IFNγ-inducible protein 16 (IFI16), an alternative DNA sensor in addition to cGAS, induces the activation of STING, leading to the phosphorylation of NF-κB p65 and the production of IFNβ and interleukin 6. Finally, we found that paramyxovirus-induced syncytia formation is responsible for loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and leakage of mitochondrial DNA in the cytoplasm, the latter of which is further detected by both cGAS and IFI16. These results contribute to improve our understanding about NiV and MeV immunopathogenesis and provide potential paths for alternative therapeutic strategies.


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