Elastic fiber alterations and calcifications in calcific uremic arteriolopathy Running head: Elastin alteration and calcifications in CUA


Colboc Hester1,Moguelet Philippe2,Bazin Dominique3,Letavernier Emmanuel4,Sun Chenyu5,Chessel Anatole5,Carvalho Priscille6,Lok Catherine7,Dillies Anne-Sophie7,Chaby Guillaume7,Maillard Hervé8,Kottler Diane9,Goujon Elisa10,Jurus Christine11,Panaye Marine11,Tang Ellie4,Courville Philippe6,Boury Antoine3,Monfort Jean-Benoit2,Chasset François2,Senet Patricia2,Schanne-Klein Marie-Claire5


1. Sorbonne Université, Hôpital Rothschild, Service Plaies et Cicatrisation

2. Sorbonne Université, Hôpital Tenon

3. CNRS, IPC, Université Paris XI

4. UMR_S 1155, Sorbonne Université-UPMC Paris 06

5. Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, CNRS, INSERM, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

6. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rouen

7. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d’Amiens

8. Centre Hospitalier du Mans

9. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Caen

10. Centre Hospitalier de Chalon-sur-Saône

11. Clinique du Tonkin


Abstract Calcific uremic arteriolopathy (CUA) is a severely morbid disease, affecting mostly dialyzed end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, associated with calcium deposits in the skin. Calcifications have been identified in ESRD patients without CUA, indicating that their presence is not specific to the disease. The objective of this retrospective multicenter study was to compare elastic fiber structure and skin calcifications in ESRD patients with CUA to those without CUA using innovative structural techniques. Fourteen ESRD patients with CUA were compared to 12 ESRD patients without CUA. Analyses of elastic fiber structure and skin calcifications using multiphoton microscopy followed by machine-learning analysis and field-emission scanning electron microscopy coupled with coupled with energy dispersive X-ray were performed. Elastic fibers specifically appeared fragmented in CUA. Quantitative analyses of multiphoton images showed that they were significantly straighter in ESRD patients with CUA than without CUA. Interstitial and vascular calcifications were observed in both groups of ESRD patients, but vascular calcifications specifically appeared massive and circumferential in CUA. Unlike interstitial calcifications, massive circumferential vascular calcifications and elastic fibers straightening appeared specific to CUA. The origins of such specific elastic fiber’s alteration are still to be explored and may involve relationships with ischemic vascular or inflammatory processes.


Research Square Platform LLC

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