Experimental Investigation of the Effect of FRP Reinforcement Number on the Rotational Behavior of Column-Beam Connection




1. Süleyman Demirel University


Abstract Glued laminated timber (glulam) is widely used as a building material to make up lightweight and large span structures. The fundamental idea behind this substance is to use structural adhesives to join multiple layers of dimensioned wood together, increasing the member's strength and stiffness while also enabling the construction of long-lasting structures with striking aesthetics. At the joints of wood structures, steel plates, aluminum plates, or merely wooden components are frequently used. Steel components that are often used as joints can corrode and also aluminum plates are not resistant to heat. For this reason, the use of non-metallic fasteners is one of the topics that have been emphasized lately sheets onto the timber beam by means of glue or epoxy resins. In this study, columns and beams with cross-section dimensions of 120x120-120x240 were connected to each other with steel fasteners. The connected column-beam joints is reinforced with a glass fiber reinforced polymer and carbon fiber reinforced polymer fabric, 1, 2 and 3 times. Reference column-beam joints and reinforced column-beam joints were subjected to load-displacement test under cyclic loading. After the experimental studies, modeling of column-beam connections was made with the finite element program and load-displacement curves were compared. As a result of the experiment, important structural properties such as maximum load carrying capacity, energy consumption capacity, stiffness value were examined. With the effect of the reinforcement, the load carrying capacities, stiffness and energy consumption capacities of the column-beam connections increased. In addition, it is seen that the bearing capacity of the column-beam connections increases with the increase in the number of windings.


Research Square Platform LLC

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