Spondias tuberosa Arr. Câm.: a natural population in Sergipe - contributions to the understanding of genetic variability and conservation of the species


Santana Natali Aparecida1,Nunes Valdinete Vieira1,Silva Maria Suzana Oliveira1,Silva-Mann Renata2


1. Universidade Federal de Sergipe

2. Federal University of Sergipe


Abstract The umbuzeiro, a fruit-bearing tree endemic to the Caatinga biome, stands out for its socioeconomic and environmental relevance. Although natural to Sergipe, there is a lack of information about its populations in the state. This study aimed to characterize a natural population of umbu trees in Sergipe, covering individual characteristics to the attributes of their fruits, endocarps, and seedlings. Of the 551 fruits collected from these matrices, the majority had predominantly yellow (62%) with orange (23%) peels. The endocarps, averaging 1.83 cm in length by 1.17 cm in width, significantly influenced the fresh mass of the seedlings, with larger area endocarps associated with greater mass. Endocarps stored for different periods showed no variation in germination rate and speed. These findings not only enrich the understanding of this population but also provide crucial insights for conservation and genetic improvement programs of the species in Sergipe.


Research Square Platform LLC

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