Increasing influenza vaccination coverage in healthcare workers: Analysis of an intensified on-site vaccination campaign during the COVID-19 pandemic


Schumacher Sofie1,Salmanton-García Jon2,Liekweg Andrea3,Rolfes Muriel2,Seidel Danila2,Mellinghoff Sibylle C.2,Cornely Oliver A.2


1. Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, St. Elisabeth Hospital

2. University of Cologne, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne, Institute of Translational Research, Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases (C

3. University Hospital Cologne, Pharmacy Department


Abstract Purpose: Influenza infections have a substantial impact on health care institutions. While vaccination is the most effective preventive measure against influenza infections, overall vaccination coverage in healthcare workers is low. The study was conducted to investigate the impact of an intensified influenza vaccination campaign in a maximum-care hospital on influenza vaccination coverage in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020/21. Methods: Vaccination coverage following an intensified influenza vaccination campaign comprising a mobile vaccination team providing on-site vaccination and vaccination at a recurring central vaccination site in addition to promotional measures was analysed. A survey querying vaccination motivation was performed. Additionally, campaign strategies and respective vaccination coverage of influenza seasons between 2017/18 and 2019/20 were analysed. Results: The intensified influenza vaccination campaign 2020/21 led to a significant 2.4-fold increase yielding an overall vaccination coverage of 40% among healthcare workers. A significant increase in vaccination coverage was observed across all professional fields, especially among nurses, a 2.7-fold increase, reaching a vaccination coverage of 48% was observed. The COVID-19 pandemic positively influenced vaccination decision in 72% of first-time ever or first-time in over ten years influenza vaccinees. Vaccination coverage during prior vaccination campaigns focusing on educational measures did not exceed 17%. Conclusion: A mobile vaccination team providing on-site vaccination and vaccinations at a central vaccination site in addition to intensified promotional measures can be implemented to increase influenza vaccination coverage in healthcare workers. Our concept can inform future influenza and other vaccination campaigns for healthcare workers.


Research Square Platform LLC

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