Consistency of Serial Ultrasonographic Joint Tissue Measurements by the Joint tissueActivity and Damage Exam (JADE) protocol in Relation to Hemophilic Joint Health Parameters


Barnes Richard F.W.1,Aguero Peter1,Hanacek Cris1,Flores Andres1,Steiner Bruno2,Bailey Cindy3,Quon Doris V.3,Kruse-Jarres Rebecca2,von Drygalski Annette1


1. University of California San Diego

2. Washington Center for Bleeding Disorders

3. Orthopedic Institute for Children


Abstract Objectives The Joint tissueActivity and Damage Exam (JADE) is a point-of-care (POC) musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSKUS) protocol for non-radiologists to evaluate hemophilic arthopathy. Our aim was to determine the consistency of cross-sectional analyses of direct tissue measurements (JADE protocol) and clinical and functional joint assessments at three clinic visits. Methods We prospectively studied adults (n = 44) with hemophilia (A or B) of any severity and arthropathy at 3 North American sites. We assessed Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS), total arc, and JADE parameters (bilateral elbows, ankles, and knees) at study entry, at ~ 12–18 months, and at ~ 24–36 months. JADE measurements included osteochondral alterations, cartilage thickness, and soft tissue expansion at sentinel positions. Associations between joint HJHS and total arc with each JADE variable were examined with random intercept models. Results At each visit increasing HJHS and decreasing total arc were associated in the expected direction with increasing length of OAs and soft tissue expansion in all joints, and decreasing cartilage thickness in the knee. However, HJHS associations with cartilage thickness were U-shaped for elbow and ankle (i.e. cartilage thinning and thickening). Associations between total arc and cartilage thickness followed a similar curve. (Near)normal levels of both joint parameters (HJHS and total arc) were associated with normal ranges of cartilage thickness. Conclusions POC MSKUS applying direct tissue measurements using the JADE protocol provided reproducible cross-sectional associations with joint health outcomes on three visits. These findings advance protocol validation and enable iterative adaptations resulting in JADE protocol version 2.


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