Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on retinopathy of prematurity services in low resource settings


Gilbert Clare1


1. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


Abstract Background and objectives Retinopathy of prematurity is an increasingly important cause of blindness children in low- and middle-income countries. Timely screening and treatment greatly reduce blindness. This study assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on ROP services in low- and middle-income countries. Methods An online survey with closed and open-ended questions in Microsoft Teams was sent to 304 ophthalmologists providing screening, treatment and/or vitreoretinal services(January 15 to March 12 2021). Categories were used to report impact on services. 28 participants were purposively selected for interview. Results 184/201 completed forms from 32 countries were received. Two thirds of participants worked in government facilities and 45.6% were pediatric ophthalmologists. A moderate to severe impact was reported by 13% for screening, 9% for treatment and 16% for vitreoretinal surgery with some variation between government, private and not-for-profit sectors. 22% thought services would take a year to recover. Fifteen ophthalmologists from 12 countries were interviewed. Many reported fewer neonatal admissions, and several reported more ROP blind infants once restrictions lifted. Themes associated with services continuing included limited lockdown, autonomy and flexibility, commitment, advocacy and technology. Themes associated with a negative impact include fear and panic, closure of facilities, COVID infection or quarantining of health workers and parents, lack of transport and exacerbation of poverty. Conclusions The COVID pandemic had a very variable impact on the provision of ROP services. In some countries where the impact was great, more infants became blind from ROP. Lessons can be learnt for planning pandemic preparedness.


Research Square Platform LLC

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