1. Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
This paper conglomerates our findings on the space C(X) of all real valued
continuous functions, under different generalizations of the topology of
uniform convergence and the m-topology. The paper begins with answering all
the questions which were left open in our previous paper on the
classifications of Z-ideals of C(X) induced by the UI and the mI-topologies
on C(X) [5]. Motivated by the definition of the mItopology, another
generalization of the topology of uniform convergence, called UI-topology,
is introduced here. Among several other results, it is established that for
a convex ideal I in C(X), a necessary and sufficient condition for
UI-topology to coincide with mI-topology on C(X) is the boundedness of X ? T
Z[I] in X. As opposed to the case of the UI-topologies (and mI-topologies)
on C(X), it is proved that each UI-topology (respectively, mI-topology) on
C(X) is uniquely determined by the ideal I. In the last section, the
denseness of the set of units of C(X) in CU(X) (= C(X) with the topology of
uniform convergence) is shown to be equivalent to the strong zero
dimensionality of the space X. Also, the space X turns out to be a weakly
P-space if and only if the set of zero divisors (including 0) in C(X) is
closed in CU(X). Computing the closure of CP(X) (={ f ? C(X) : the support
of f ? P} where P is an ideal of closed sets in X) in CU(X) and Cm(X) (= C(X)
with the m-topology), the results clUCP(X) = CP? (X) (= { f ? C(X) : ?n ? N,
{x ? X : | f (x)| ? 1n } ? P}) and clmCP(X) = { f ? C(X) : f.1 ? CP? (X) for
each 1 ? C(X)} are achieved.
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