1. Institut za otorinolaringologiju i maksilofacijalnu hirurgiju, Klinički centar Srbije, Beograd
2. Institut za zaštitu zdravlja majke i deteta 'Dr V. Čupić', Beograd
3. Institut za medicinu rada i radiološku zaštitu 'Dragomir Karajović', Beograd
Hemilaryngectomy is the resection of a true anatomic half of the larynx with preservation of the cricoid cartilage. We present a retrospective study of 438 patients with glottic carcinoma, treated with hemilaryngectomy, at the Institute of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Center of Serbia between 1988 and 1997.The patients with positive margins (19,4% of all) were postoperatively irradiated. Local recurrences of carcinoma were found in 17,3% of subjects, and regional recurrences in 16,4% of subjects. Those patients were treated with total laryngectomy or radical neck dissection, and with radiotherapy. 5-years survival rate in our patients was 79%. Hemilaryngectomy provided acceptable percent of local and regional recurrences, and good functional results: respiration, swallowing and voice quality. Therefore it could be the first choice surgery technique in treatment of T2 laryngeal carcinoma.
National Library of Serbia
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