1. Institute for Slavic Studies Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Russia
The author unravels the history (from June to September 1957) of the origin,
formalization and promotion of the initiative of the Romanian government
(?the Chivu Stoica Plan?) to organize multilateral cooperation in the Balkan
region. An analysis of the course of events is presented as a result of a
study of recently declassified documents from Russian archives (RGANI, AVP
RF). The consulting of them allowed the author to supplement significantly
previous knowledge of the course of events and their various actors,
identify in detail the degree of participation of the Soviet Union in them,
clarify and expand the agenda of issues discussed during interactions
between Bucharest and Moscow, and clarify the dates and planned options for
the development of this initiative. This article supplements and corrects
pre-existing opinions of world historiography about the allegedly sharply
negative attitude of the Kremlin to this proposal of the Romanian
leadership, as well as the perception of this initiative by historians as
not only aiming to establish multilateral regional cooperation but also as a
result of the Soviet bloc?s desire to establish a nuclear-free zone in the
Balkans already in 1957.
National Library of Serbia
Reference26 articles.
1. Archives
2. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arhiv novejshej istorii (Russian State Archive of Contemporary History)
3. Newspapers
4. Борба
5. Извeстия