Design and development of dual band CPW fed antenna for WLAN and WiFi applications


Sharma Purnima1,Bhattacharya Partha2


1. School of Engineering and Technology, Mody University of Science & Technology, Lakshmangarh, India

2. Asansol Engineering College, Vivekananda Sarani, Kanyapur, Asansol, West Bengal, India


A dual band coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed antenna is constructed, analyzed, and designed for WLAN and WiFi applications in this paper. The antenna has a compact size of 25 ? 25 ? 1.5 mm3. The antenna structure comprises of a slotted radiating patch over FR4 substrate surrounded by staircase shaped ground plane. As part of the analysis of the characteristics parameters such as the return loss, VSWR, and radiation pattern, HFSS 11.1 is utilized. There is a resonance at two frequencies of 3.3 GHz and 5.82 GHz, with an upper frequency bandwidth of 1.89 GHz. In addition to the antenna design, measurement results are presented. Mobile handheld devices can use the proposed antenna for WLAN and WiFi applications that operate in ISM bands.


National Library of Serbia

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