1. Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials, Belgrade
The experimental investigations defined both the technological scheme of the
calcium production from limestone by aluminothermic process and the basic
operating parameters of the particular technological phases. The limestone
with high content of Mg, Na and K was used in the paper. X-ray analysis
reveals that the samples contain mainly calcite with small amount of
dolomite. At first, the influence of temperature, time and granulometry on
the calcium carbonate calcination was examined. The dissociation process was
completed in 10-15 min at 1200?C, and dissociation rate increases with
decreasing of particle size up to 5 mm. Afterwards, the aluminothermic
reduction process of calcium oxide was investigated. At the temperature
1200?C, and vacuum of at least 3 kPa, the reduction process completed within
2 hours. The chemical composition of calcium oxide and calcium showed
increased content of magnesium oxide and alkaline oxides (especially
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia
General Chemical Engineering
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5 articles.