1. Klinika za stomatologiju, Novi Sad
2. Medicinski fakultet, Novi Sad
In the study the cephalometric method was used to determine the position of the artificial central upper and lower incisors of edentulous patients class I, and natural central upper and lower incisors of dentulous individuals class I. Cephalometric radiographs of edentulous patients were made with a precisely set position of frontal teeth and marked central incisors. The control group consisted of 30 lateral cephalometric radiographs of dentulous persons class I. Certain of Schwartz and Steiner cephalometric radiograph analysis were used for precise sagittal positioning of upper and lower central incisors. To set precisely the position of these teeth in a sagittal position, the inclination of their axle was analyzed on each cephalometric radiograph, as well as the position of their vestibular surfaces related to the specific craniofacial elements. Statistically significant differences of the value of the angle of inclination of artificial upper and lower incisors of edentulous patients class I, and the angle of inclination of natural upper and lower incisors of dentulous persons, class I, were determined.
National Library of Serbia