Tourist satisfaction with services of tourism in the Pcinja district


Maric-Stankovic Andjelina1


1. University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Niš, Serbia


The Pcinja District is located in the southeast of Serbia and represents an area with natural and anthropogenic tourist attractions as the basis of the tourist offer of the destination itself. However, in addition to tourist attractions and tourist infrastructure and superstructure as elements of tourist valorisation of the destination, the tourist staff is also a significant and indispensable factor of the tourist affirmation of the area. Tourism employees affect the entire tourist offer and thus affect the tourist traffic in the destination by virtue of how they operate, improve and conduct their business with the tourists. The aim of this paper is to present the degree of tourist satisfaction with the services of tourism employees during their stay in the Pcinja District. The degree of tourist satisfaction was determined by empirical research conducted in the area of the district in the second half of 2021, in which 526 respondents/tourists participated. The results were analysed using the IBM SPSS Statistic 20 software package. Partial (dis)satisfaction of respondents/tourists with the elements of tourist infrastructure and superstructure, as well as with the services of tourism employees, is shown by the obtained relatively low average scores of the analyzed variables. Using the T-test and ANOVA, it was concluded that the degree of (dis)satisfaction of tourists does not statistically significantly differ according to gender and age, that is, they generally have a uniform attitude when it comes to the development of the tourist infrastructure and superstructure and the features of the services of tourism employees in the Pcinj? District.


National Library of Serbia


Atmospheric Science,Geology,Education,Geography, Planning and Development,Global and Planetary Change







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